12 May 2021

How Does Conexis VMS Work? Watch This Video to Find Out!

Wayne Burgess
Wayne Burgess

Are you interested in learning how the Conexis VMS solution can help your organization manage its non-employee workforce, including multiple staffing agencies, temporary workers and independent contractors? We have a video that will help!

If you’re sick of managing your non-employee processes and data with time-consuming and manual methods such as spreadsheets, in-house databases or Sharepoint-like websites, Conexis VMS is the perfect solution for you. 

The video explains how our innovative vendor management system (VMS) provides a better way for your company to manage its contingent workforce management program. 

Learn how the Conexis VMS solution works



What’s the Conexis VMS difference?

Traditional legacy VMS platforms are built on older outdated tech stacks which requires a lot of labor to maintain and customize for each client. This makes them very expensive to support and those costs are reflected in their high prices. This puts having a VMS platform out of the question.

Instead, these businesses rely on manual processes that involved too many emails, spreadsheets and no access to consolidated data around non-employee workers and staffing agencies and no real visibility into overall program performance. 

With Conexis VMS, businesses can now stop wasting their time… and their money.

Conexis VMS is the world's easiest VMS built using the latest technology designed with the user in mind. This means it's easy and cost effective for any company with a contingent workforce management program - no matter how small or large their spend is.

The system has not only been designed to be an option for companies that don’t have an option, it’s also a perfect and more cost-effective solution for companies with larger non-employee workforce budgets as well. What’s not to like?

How will Conexis VMS support your company’s contingent workforce management program?

The Conexis Vendor Management System is a cloud-based VMS platform that eliminates all of the paper and headaches associated with managing a contingent workforce program, such as improving the contractor time reporting and vendor invoicing processes.

By automating the requisition-to-pay lifecycle, Conexis VMS streamlines the entire management of a company’s non-employee workforce management program in one seamless and easy-to-use platform.

By storing data in one consolidated location and automating critical processes, Conexis VMS brings benefits such as strategic spend analysis, performance reporting data, improved workforce visibility, reduced costs, improved efficiencies and much more! 

Don’t just take our word for it, see how Conexis VMS works for yourself!

There’s no better way to see how Conexis VMS can revolutionize your organization’s contingent workforce management program than by seeing first-hand how the platform works. 

Book a live demo with us today! We will guide you through the software, showing you how the innovative features and functionalities of the Conexis Vendor Management System can help your business achieve both soft and hard savings. 

Interested in learning more about Vendor Management Systems?

Whether you are looking to change your VMS solution, or just getting started, we are here to help. Contact Us for a Free No-Obligation Consultation to discuss your workforce challenges (and get immediate actionable insights). See how easy Conexis is to use by taking a quick 2 minute Self-Guided Tour, or Book a Personal Demo Today! 


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Wayne Burgess

Wayne Burgess

Wayne Burgess is the Co-Founder of Conexis VMS, a technology company focused on helping organizations get control of their Contingent Workforce.

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