22 August 2022

What is Vendor Management Software for Small Business?

Wayne Burgess
Wayne Burgess

When it comes to managing a contingent workforce program, technology is essential. In fact, according to figures from Ardent Partner, 82 percent of organizations that are considered “best-in-class” in the management of their contingent workforces have implemented VMS technology into their processes.

Yet when it comes to companies digitally transforming how they manage their contingent workforce program, there’s one huge problem. The traditional VMS providers have designed their software for large organizations with enterprise-level contingent workforce volumes. 

That has left small businesses, as well as large businesses with smaller contingent workforce volumes, with no vendor management system options to implement into their contingent workforce program. 

With that in mind, in this blog we take a look at what vendor management software is, how it helps improve your contingent workforce management program and whether there is vendor management software for small business or large organizations with small contingent workforce volumes.


What is a Vendor Management System?

A vendor management system is a software application that enables businesses to automate and manage the procurement of temporary workers , in addition to automating the processes associated with their entire contingent workforce program. 

A VMS allows businesses to automate all of the processes involved in contingent workforce management, including engaging staffing agencies, sourcing talented contractors, onboarding contingent workers, time entry, approval and invoicing. A vendor management system also has reporting functionalities that give a business insight into the performance of their staffing agencies.

By consolidating all contingent workforce management data into one centralized platform, companies can completely standardize their contingent workforce management rates and processes across all hiring managers within the organization. 

How businesses benefit from the use of vendor management software

The use of vendor management software brings five key benefits to an organization's contingent workforce management program:

  1. Cost control: Vendor management software gives an organization the company-wide visibility into its contingent workforce program that it needs to control costs. Businesses can establish vendor rates for hiring managers to follow, as well as setting standardized pay rates for specific open positions.
  2. Visibility: Vendor management software captures all contingent workforce data in one centralized system, dramatically improving the visibility that an organization has into its contingent workers and staffing agencies. This leads to better decision making in the future.
  3. Improved workforce quality: By better managing staffing agencies, and gaining visibility into their performance, businesses can male decision that improve the quality of their contingent workforce and lead to improved metrics such as reduces time-to-fill, reduced turnover and reduced time-to-submit.
  4. Process efficiencies: By automating processes such as requisitions, sourcing, onboarding, time entry and approval, invoicing, and payments, a vendor management system can dramatically improve how efficient a company’s contingent workforce processes are. This frees up HR and procurement teams to work on business critical projects. 
  5. Better compliance: Vendor management software provides businesses with the platform they need to properly document their contingent workforce and classify their temporary workers and independent contractors correctly, so that they don’t fall foul of regulatory compliance requirements. 

Traditional VMS players are designed for organizations with enterprise spend

Despite these benefits, the traditional VMS players have typically priced small businesses and organizations with smaller contingent workforce volumes out of the market. That’s because the traditional VMS is both complex and expensive. 

Since VMS providers typically base their price on a percentage of their customers’ contingent workforce spend, traditional vendor management software is just way too expensive for organizations with smaller contingent workforce volumes. 

For example, if a vendor management system charges you a 1 percent fee on contingent workforce spend for the use of the platform, that would be a whopping $100,000 a year for the use of the software for a company that spends $10 million a year on contingent work. 

Small businesses and organizations with smaller contingent workforce volumes simply cannot justify this annual spend - and that’s not even getting into the complex nature of these systems and how implementation and employee training can take significant amounts of time. 

Conexis VMS: Enterprise Solution. Mid-Market Focus

Conexis is an award-winning VMS tailored specifically for mid-market contingent workforce programs. Leveraging the latest technology, Conexis delivers the expertise, reliability and security of enterprise systems, while offering the flexibility, user friendliness and tailored service you require. Conexis delivers enterprise level software - without the enterprise level complexity and cost. 

Learn more about our Company and why organizations choose Conexis VMS

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Whether you are looking to change your VMS solution, or just getting started, we are here to help. Contact Us for a Free No-Obligation Consultation to discuss your workforce challenges (and get immediate actionable insights). See how easy Conexis is to use by taking a quick 2 minute Self-Guided Tour, or Book a Personal Demo Today! 

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Mid Market  Choosing the Right VMS  VMS Benefits

Wayne Burgess

Wayne Burgess

Wayne Burgess is the Co-Founder of Conexis VMS, a technology company focused on helping organizations get control of their Contingent Workforce.

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