15 June 2023

VMS System: Conexis Recognized as Fast-Growing VMS in 2023 by Everest

Wayne Burgess
Wayne Burgess


A Word From Our Co-Founder: Wayne Burgess

I am very proud to share that Conexis VMS been recognized as one of the fastest growing VMS' in the 2023 Everest Group Vendor Management System (VMS) Products Peak Matrix Assessment (Report). 


According to Everest, since our inaugural showing in the report in 2022, we have grown significantly over the past year - primarily due to the positive feedback from our buyers, strong double-digit growth of managed spend, and improvements in our product features and functionalities; including the launch of our ad-hoc report generator to help clients create customized reports, and implementing advanced front- and back-end integration technology.  

I have spent over 25 years in the Contingent Workforce Industry, and one of the things that has always driven me crazy is the lack of user-focused extended workforce systems. That is why we built Conexis - The World's Easiest VMS. Conexis is an innovative, easy-to-use and cost-effective Vendor Management System (VMS) built on the latest technology and designed with the user in mind. It's easy to use, easy to stand up, and easy on the budget. 

While Conexis is not as large as some of the "market leaders", we purposely take a different approach by focusing on driving innovation with our new cloud-based technology, delivering the easiest user experience, and demonstrating value to our clients.

To be recognized by the Everest Group for the second year in a row is an amazing accomplishment and the credit goes to our incredible team, customers, and partners who make Conexis what it is. 

- Wayne


Driving Innovation in VMS Technology

Conexis is focused on bringing the right innovation to our customers and users so that the process of sourcing, onboarding, and managing contingent workers is always getting easier and faster. Everest has recognized many of these innovations; As an example, in 2022:

  • We rolled out a new module to allow high-volume worker rosters to be onboarded in minutes which saves our clients time while ensuring the benefits of a VMS are not lost.  
  • A live chat feature allowing users to reach out to live Conexis agents to get help in real time.
  • We also released a visual KPI metrics report which allows our clients to see how their program is performing across eight key performance indicators that measure service, quality, and price.
    Supplier Fill Rate Module
  • Our advanced front- and back-end integration capability.
  • Our new ad-hoc reporting tool gives the power to access any data in the system into the hands of our users.Conexis Reporting Tools

We provide our customers with real-world roll-up-your-sleeves innovation that's focused on making our user's workflow easier and faster. 

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vms buyer's guide 2025


Leading in Customer Satisfaction 

At Conexis we understand that adoption and user experience is a priority. If your user doesn't like your system, or finds it slow, too complicated or not easy-to-use, they will not use it and look for workarounds. This affects adoption rates and benefit realization. Everest Group received great feedback from both our customer community and supplier network. 

NPS score

Our customer care teams hold themselves to a high standard. In fact, they set the SLA they work towards every day. Guaranteed response in one hour and 3 hours resolution 80% of the time. 

These are a couple of key factors why our user community loves our VMS system. We are proud of our NPS and work daily to maintain this positive connection with our users. 

Our buyer community loves us due to the fact that Conexis enables higher adoption rates which in turn drives faster and higher benefit realization. Whether it's cost savings or time to fill, our clients report better results consistently.

The Conexis difference is the ease of use and speed at which interactions occur in our system. Frustration levels grow as speed deteriorates and functional complexity increases. Conexis is designed with the user in mind to manage the entire contingent worker transaction with sophistication and simplicity combined.

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Growing Our Clients by Delivering Value

At Conexis we are all contingent workforce professionals with a big focus on helping our customers realize the full potential of their contingent workforce program.  

When we ask our key customers what's important to them and then ask our high-volume users it becomes clear that there are two very different answers. Users want simplicity and speed while our customers want visibility, control, cost savings, and risk mitigation to name a few. 

The Conexis VMS System balances these two often opposing needs perfectly to ensure the user derives value as does our customer. 

Read our Case Studies:


Contact Us 

A VMS will bring huge ROI to your company's contingent management program; and that's because its capabilities will significantly improve your processes, reduce costs and lead to far greater visibility into your program. Before choosing a VMS, reach out to us. 

Whether you are just starting your VMS journey or want to look at a more innovative VMS, we are always available for a chat. Reach out by email, connect on LinkedIn, contact us  or schedule a Demo.  

Let's Talk - Contact Conexis VMS


Wayne Burgess

Wayne Burgess

Wayne Burgess is the Co-Founder of Conexis VMS, a technology company focused on helping organizations get control of their Contingent Workforce.

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